ISIS and Islam: The Paris Attacks.

On Friday 13th November 2015, a minimum of 128 people were killed and many more injured. Below is my take, and the response I’ve seen on social media and how Muslims play a huge part in us defeating the Islamic terrorists.


First of all, I want to say this isn’t a Muslim bashing blog, but there are a few things that bother me about the Muslim community. They’re far too quick to deny that these terrorists are linked to Islam, or religion in any way, when that couldn’t be further from the truth! These terrorists are representing Islam, which is echoed in their voices before they slaughter an innocent person when they scream ‘Allahu Akbar‘.

Another thing that bothers me is that the muslim community, yes I’ll say it, they don’t seem to care that much! I understand on social media you’ll see a few rants and videos from Muslims about how horrible this was, but I’m talking about the wider community around the world. An example of this would be when hundreds of thousands of Muslims marched and protested all around the world in outrage of a cartoon, yes a cartoon, that was drawn depicting Muhammad. I mean, really? WHERE ARE THEY NOW? We need these people right now! They should be 100 times more outraged at terrorists executing innocent people in their religions name. Stand up and help us send the message to ISIS that we’re together!

One more thing I’ve seen doing the rounds on social media is the ‘peaceful’ quotes from the Qu’ran such as;

5:32 – he who kills an innocent person it is if he has killed all of humanity.

Well how very convenient of you finding such a peaceful quote in book filled with such hateful quotes it should be rated PG18. It stinks to me of typical religious people cherry picking verses to help their point, while totally ignoring the rest. Have a read of this next verse;

47:4 – so when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them [Himself], but [He ordered armed struggle] to test some of you by means of others. And those who are killed in the cause of Allah – never will He waste their deeds.

This is a religion of peace? Don’t make me laugh or insult my intelligence and try to convince me otherwise. To me, ISIS and other Islamic terrorists are following the Qu’ran in how they perceive it. They are Muslims. Simple. Yes there are good Muslims, of course. They’re the ones who don’t take the religion seriously.

Me, My Life, & My Indecisiveness

So, this is my first ever blog. I’m a 26 year old male. I wasn’t happy at my previous job as an engineer so I decided to quit, and work on becoming happy (whilst searching for a job in web admin and design).

So why have I decided to start a blog you ask? I have no idea! I wanted to voice my opinions and thoughts on the world but they seem wasted and unappreciated on friends & family, who probably couldn’t care less. Facebook and twitter don’t seem the right place either seeing as social media these days are full of posers and baby pictures.

Last week I had an interview for a role in web management and social media.

I met with the MD of a company in his expensive office he seemed very nice and for 45 minutes we chatted about what I could do for him, and what he wants from me. He seemed very responsive, and very happy with how I was answering his questions. I received a call the next day saying “unfortunately I was unsucessful in my application, as I came across too salesy”. 

What’s weird is when I was told I was unsuccessful, I found myself not too bothered. It’s like subconsciously I was happy, happy that I didn’t have to work.

Anyway, this is an intro to me, my blog, and where I’m at. I’ll be going into this in more detail later about work and life and how they can work together, and how they don’t!